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Best of the North - Scotland

SCO17 Scotland - The Best of the North.  Lead Skipper Alan Mortimore.


From 13th to 27th May 2017 a 2 week Sailex starting near Oban with a plan, weather permitting, to sail north passing Skye and up the west coast of Scotland round Cape Wrath to the Orkneys.  To spend several days in the Orkneys before sailing south down the East coast of Sutherland to Inverness and back to Oban via the Caledonian canal. An opportunity of a lifetime. There maybe opportunities for people to sail for just the first or second week if they are flexible on timings and there is a balance of people between the first and second week  

Estimated cost for this trip will be £790 for the full two week duration and £400 per week for members allocated a place on either the first or second week of the Sailex

We have reserved 2 yachts and demand has been above expectations for a two week sailex.   We are now almost fully booked with just one berth available.    Please use the on-line booking link at the top of the Sailing Programme page on the TOG web site to book the final place.  Once all places are booked we will open a waiting list for anyone interested is taking a place should circumstances dictate that a member has to withdraw.

Earlier Event: April 6
Spring Starter - In the Solent
Later Event: June 15
Sailing Skills - Long Weekend